Due to the unfortunate and often perverse legal culture permeating the United States and now much of the developed world, we have to present you with this legal statement at the onset of your exploration of the contents of this and other Websites produced by Biblical Health Television
We know that 99% of people don’t really need to see this, and that you are most certainly one of the 99%, but the last thing we want is for Biblical Health Television, or any of its Experts/Instructors/ Contributors, to get sued for trying to help people heal and remain well. So, please make sure you read and agree to the following before you continue:
This Website contains the opinions of its owners, and possibly others, who share an interest in presenting information geared towards natural disease prevention and the restoration of health. Please note that such opinions are not intended to create any physician-patient relationship or supplant any in-person consultation or examination. Please also recognize that Biblical Health Television may not agree with every opinion of every Expert/Instructor/Contributor of the written, audio, or video content on this website.
BHtv Executive Director Dr. Jeffrey Hazim is NOT a medical doctor, he is Chiropractic Physician who engages in the practice of natural health restoration and maintenance. Dr. Jeff’s professional license does not allow him to give direction as to whether you should or should not engage in medical treatments. Therefore, this Website does not intend to diagnose or treat any medical condition. However, because this Website does contain information about health, it is a statutory requirement in the United States of America to include the following statement:
If you are ill, or have been diagnosed with any disease, please seek the advice of a trained health professional in your area with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, and before attempting any of the all-natural methods presented on these Websites.
When you are attempting self-healing, it is helpful to have the support of a qualified professional; but remember: most health care practitioners have NOT been trained in natural healing, and will not support your attempts, or may even try to discourage you from taking an all-natural approach.
If you intend to continue to use this Website for advice, and you embark on your own natural health care regimen, you must take responsibility for yourself and your own health, and agree to completely release, indemnify, and hold harmless: Biblical Health Television, as well as its Experts, Instructors, Contributors, Owners, Employees, Agents and Partners.
If you do not agree to this, please close this Website and do not seek any additional information from our Websites or Organizations.
OK, now that’s out of the way, let’s get on with some truth!